Zoom version 1.1.2 is now available here. The main new feature in this version is integration with the IFDB site, as well as a much improved plugin manager. This version also fixes some Leopard compatibility issues and adds support for QuickLook, both for story files (displaying cover art and bibliographic information in the Finder) and for save game files (displaying the complete transcript that lead up to the save command).
Read on for the complete change list and some screenshots...
Changes in this version:
- I've switched back to use the Carbon API for speech synthesis, as the Cocoa API fails to take account of the preferences the user has set in the speech preference pane.
- Fixed various bugs that were preventing Zoom from running glk-based games on Leopard.
- Made clear_attr and set_attr less fussy about being called on object 0 for version 3 games. This works around a bug in Infocom's Witness.
- Added a new set of options to the Speech menu to make it easier to navigate around previous moves, and to make it possible to ask Zoom to stop speaking
- Added a plugin manager that makes it possible to check for updates to the interpreters that Zoom can use to play games and install them:

- Added support for IFDB 'signpost' files to support downloading and installing any missing plugins before loading a game.
- Added a browser for IFDB:

- Fixed an issue that was preventing glk intepreters from working on Leopard
- Added a QuickLook plugin that allows you to preview saved games.
- Added CoreAnimation to certain transitions: popping up the 'downloading' window, disappearing the controls when transitioning to the IFDB and when transitioning to full-screen mode.
- Fixed a long-standing bug where the interpreter number would be ignored (this makes it possible to adjust it to fix the graphics in Beyond Zork, for example)
- Fixed a crash that could occur when adjusting the colours in the preferences window.
- Changed many icons so that they have a 512×512 alternative under Leopard to improve the display when using CoverFlow - this includes the main Zoom icon and the icons for Glulx, HUGO and TADS games.